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Where expertise meets compassion.

Dr. Ben Wiese and his team are here to offer a supportive hand and a tailored approach to guide you through your skincare journey. Whether you’ve been diagnosed with pre-cancerous cells or want to reduce your risk of skin cancer proactively, we are here to empower you with personalized strategies and solutions. 

We combine cutting-edge therapies with a caring approach to ensure your well-being is at the forefront of every step.

About Dr. Ben Wiese

Dr. Wiese is a general practitioner with over ten years of experience in the field of cancer-related skin care. His proactive approach includes examining and monitoring skin, the body’s fastest-growing organ, over a longer period of time rather than reacting to a patient coming in with a random skin lesion. 

He aims to be a true professional in the field of skin cancer and dermoscopy and to help raise awareness of skin cancer through research, instruction, and ardent support of prevention. 

When not working, both Dr. Ben Wiese and his wife enjoy biking, hiking, jogging, and snow skiing, as well as travelling and spending time with friends, their twin boys, and their Birman cat Sammy.


  • Certified by the College of Family Physicians, CCFP
  • Master’s Degree in Skin Cancer from the University of Queensland in Australia


Dr. Ben Wiese received his Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Pretoria in South Africa. In 2014, he began taking dermoscopy and primary care skin cancer courses at the Universities of Cardiff and Queensland. And in 2021, Dr. Ben achieved his Master’s degree in skin cancer from the University of Queensland in Australia.


Since 2010, Dr. Wiese has been offering his services in Kelowna, treating and managing high-risk patients with skin cancer. He is a general practitioner with a focus on patients with skin cancer-related concerns, screening and treatment.

Please note: Dr. Ben Wiese is not a dermatologist, oncologist, or RCPSC-certified surgeon. As a general practitioner, he only sees patients with skin cancer-related concerns, screening and treatment.